Monitoring Tree Swallow Nests and Keeping Records

Notebooks holding monitoring recordsee swallow nestings

Why should you monitor nest boxes and keep records?

You’ve done it!  You’ve chosen a good project site, built boxes, located them properly and added predator protection.  And Tree Swallows have found them!  Now you can just relax and enjoy the birds. But we think there’s another whole dimension you should consider; monitoring boxes and keeping records.

Yes, you could simply leave your swallows alone, watching and listening from a distance, gratified that you’ve given them homes, and if this is what you want, it’s fine. However, you may want to go further, to look closer into the birds’ lives, note the progression of nest building, count eggs as they’re laid, marvel at how fast nestlings grow and develop, and thrill to see newly-fledged juveniles flutter over the fields and wetlands.

Much of the pleasure of Tree Swallow projects comes from the uniquely close observations these birds allow, and for many people monitoring nests and keeping records is an essential part of their enjoyment.  They like to check boxes and record progress of each nest attempt, and to measure reproductive performance of individuals and age classes.  They like to compare seasons to get a sense of long term trends at their site.  And they take pride in contributing to the overall knowledge of the species by reporting their nesting data to NestWatch for the US or Project NestWatch for Canada.  

There’s really no doubt, systematic monitoring of boxes and keeping records will help structure and expand your experiences.  Plus, keeping tabs on things can also make your swallows’ nesting attempts safer and more productive by revealing problems early, so they can be dealt with in a timely manner.  Therefore, although monitoring is optional, we urge you to consider doing it.  Once you learn how, you’ll be glad you did.  Believe it or not, it’s fun!

open notebook of tree swallow nest records

What are “basic data” for Tree Swallow nest monitoring?

Basic data are commonly recorded measures of aspects of nesting, including:

  • Species using each box.
  • Number of nesting attempts.
  • Occupancy rate: percent of boxes that had nesting attempts.
  • Egg data: clutch start and completion dates, number eggs laid, clutch size average and range.
  • Nestling data: number and overall percent of eggs that hatched, brood average number and range at hatching and again at 12 days.
  • Fledging: number fledged, percent of eggs laid that fledged, and % of nestlings hatched that fledged.
  • Mortality: causes of egg, nestling, and adult mortality, when known.

In our system we accumulate data gradually over the nesting season and use four types of sheets to record it:

  • Box Check Records: Sheets for recording box contents on each visit.
  • Nest Box Records: Running logs of the progress of individual nesting attempts in particular boxes over the course of the nesting season.
  • Control Sheet: A single master sheet outlining the status of nesting attempts.  Control Sheets also determine dates for checking boxes.
  • Season Summary: An annual “report card” compiled at the end of nesting.

The four pages listed above link to descriptions of each type of sheet and how to use each.  You can print any of these sheets from those pages or from this one: Printable Tree Swallow Record Sheets. You’re welcome to use our formats, which are adapted from ones used at the Long Point Bird Observatory. You can also try ones offered through sources such as Nestwatch or in the Golondrinas Handbook. Plus, of course, you can develop your own.

Whatever method, formal or informal, you decide to use, we think monitoring and keeping records will increase your knowledge and enjoyment of your Tree Swallow experience. You’ll be glad you did.

 monitoring a box and taking data for records its contents


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Monitoring Nest Boxes and Keeping Records
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